
Pigmentation is a popular aesthetic treatment with different technologies available to treat some common forms of pigmentation. These range from topical creams to advanced lasers such as fractional laser, ablative lasers and Q-Switched lasers.

Treatments Pigmentation

How to treat Skin Pigmentation

What is pigmentation?

The word pigment means colouring. Pigmentation of the skin affects the colour of the skin. Our skin gets its colour from a pigment called melanin which is produced from special cells within the skin called Melanocytes. When these cells become damaged or unhealthy it can affect the production of melanin. This can either be perceived in patches or across the whole body.

When the body produces too much melanin then the skin will become darker. This is referred to as hyperpigmentation and can lead to conditions such as:

  • Age spots
  • Melasma
  • Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Freckles

When you body does not produce enough melanin then the skin becomes lighter and is referred to as hypopigmentation can lead to conditions such as:

  • Post inflammatory hypopigmentation
  • Vitiligo
  • Nevus of ota and Nevus of ito

Factors that affect pigmentation can be things such as:

  • Genetics
  • Pregnancy 
  • Addison’s disease 
  • Sun exposure 
  • Hormones
  • Medical conditions
  • Medications
  • Ageing

The complete loss of pigment is known as depigmentation and causes the condition albinism.

Pigmentation is commonly found on the face but can often be associated with the hands as well for which treatment is a common consideration.

Treatments for skin pigmentation

The choice on the type of treatment for pigmentation should be discussed with a professional and should also depend on both the cause of the pigmentation and the type of pigmentation.

Some of the most recognised treatments for pigmentation are:

  1. Topical treatments

These can be such things as: 

  • Hydroquinone - This is a bleaching agent and can be used to lighten pigmentation
  • Retinoids - This is a Vitamin A derivative and can be used to help exfoliate the skin and reduce hyperpigmentation.
  • Kojic acid This is a natural skin-lightening agent that is derived from mushrooms.

      2. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels for pigmentation can be characterised into depth of treatment superficial, medium depth and deeper peels.

Superficial peels will use mild acidic substances to exfoliate the top layer of the skin to remove pigmentation and improve the appearance.

Medium depth peels use a stronger form of acid to penetrate deeper into the skin to address more severe cases of pigmentation.

Deep peels use the strongest acid to remove multiple layers of skin to reduce severe pigmentation and dramatically improve the appearance 


Microneedling has become increasingly popular for the treatment of pigmentation. With the treatment stimulating collagen production and reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

Led Therapy 

This is a popular and effective treatment for pigmentation issues. It works by using light at a specific wavelength to stimulate skin cells and reduce the appearance of pigmentation and darker spots.

Red light penetrates deep into the skin, this promotes collagen production and improves the circulation. This will help repair the damaged skin cells and reduce the appearance of the pigments.

Green light targets the melanocytes and by regulating the production of melanin green light therapy can prevent and reduce hyperpigmentation;.

Blue light helps reduce inflation which can make pigmentation worse.

Led therapy is:

  • Non-invasive, gentle and painless with no need for needles or chemical
  • Effective it is clinically proven to reduce hyperpigmentation and improve skin tone
  • Safe with minimal side effects
  • Can be combined with other treatments

IPL treatment

IPL or intense pulsed light is a very popular treatment for pigmentation and is non-invasive. It works by using a broad spectrum of light to target specific chromophores or in this case pigmentation in the skin. 

IPl can be effective for the treatment of:

  • Sunspots which are dark spots caused from excessive sun exposure
  • Age spots which are dark brown/grey spots developed during ageing
  • Freckles which are small, flat brown spots
  • Melasma which is a condition that causes dark patches on the skin 

IPl Works by using a IPL device to send a broad spectrum of light which is absorbed by the pigmented areas of the skin. The light energy is converted to heat which destroys the pigmented cells. Over time the damaged cells are exfoliated naturally to leave a clearer less damaged skin. 

IPL for pigmentation is:

  • Non-invasive painless with no needles of anaesthesia
  • Minimal downtime where most people can return to normal activities shortly after treatment with the use of sunblock
  • Effective use of IPL can reduce appearance of pigmentation and leave a more youthful complexion.

Laser therapy 

Laser is an effective and very popular method for reducing and dealing with the issue of pigmentation.

It works by targeting the pigmentation on the skin which absorbs the light energy whilst not affecting the surrounding tissue.

The light energy heats up the pigment and shatters it. The pigment is then either removed by exfoliation as it is drawn to the surface or by the body's own natural healing process.

The benefits of laser treatment for pigmentation are:

  • Quick and relatively pain free
  • Non-invasive with no needles of anaesthesia needed
  • Minimal downtime
  • Safe

Consultation process for laser pigmentation

The consultation process for laser pigmentation treatment would be something similar to this

Initial Consultation:

This will include taking of your medical history and then an assessment of skin to look at the severity and type of pigmentation you are looking at laser treatment for to see if you are a suitable candidate. This will also include determining realistic outcomes and expectations. 

Treatment plan:

The clinic where the treatment will take place will recommend the most appropriate treatment and in the case of laser treatment the most appropriate laser to deal with the particular type of pigmentation. 

They should be able to give an idea on the number of treatments, timeline of treatment and costs associated with the treatment plan.

Pre-treatment instructions:

This is basically common sense but will be told to avoid exposure to sun and certain skincare products prior to treatment and any medications that may affect the treatment.


This will be an explanation of the risks and benefits of the treatment and a signature to say you understand. 


This will be instructions of how-to care for the skin post treatment and any follow ups for further treatments and to monitor the outcomes. This is crucial to optimise results and limit the risk of complications.

Immediate aftercare generally consists of 

  • Avoid sun exposure and use a high SPF sunblock
  • Avoid irritants or fragranced skin care
  • Use a gentle cleanser to wash the face
  • Used ice packs on the treated area
  • During healing it is important to
  • Monitor for side effects like redness and blistering
  • Follow instructions
  • Avoid heat exposure like hot tubs and hot showers

Long term care

  • Sunscreen to prevent the return of the pigmentation
  • Hydration to keep skin hydrated

It's important to ask any questions you have during the consultation process to ensure you fully understand the treatment and make an informed decision.

Laser pigmentation treatment recovery time 

Different lasers have different recovery times and the more severe the pigmentation the longer the healing time maybe. Also skin reacts differently for individuals so this will also affect recovery time.

A general expectation is

After treatment - Skin maybe red, swollen and crusty

First week – Redness and swelling should stop

Second week – Healing continues and any crusts should flake off

Full recovery can take 4-6 weeks

Number of treatments 

The number of treatments required for laser pigmentation will depend upon 

  • Severity of pigmentation
  • Location of pigmentation
  • End goal of treatment
  • Individual skin response

Most people will require 2-4 treatments which are spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

The cost of the treatment

This will depend upon

  • Size of area treated 
  • Type of laser used
  • Location of clinic
  • Medical or aesthetic practices

It is very difficult to put an actual price of the treatment but can range from a few hundred to a few thousand. 

Types of lasers for pigmentation treatment

Different lasers can be used for pigmentation treatment and these include:

  • Q switch laser
  • Fraction Erbium and Co2 laser
  • Alexandrite laser
  • Picosecond laser

Q switch laser

These are a popular and effective choice for treating pigmentation. The laser delivers a high-energy pulse of light that shatters the pigment allowing it to be exfoliated naturally.

The key benefits of Q switch lasers are:

  •  They are very precise and target the actual pigment not the surround skin
  • Effective
  • Minimal downtime
  • Versatile in types of pigments able to treat

Nd:YAG Q switch lasers can be used for darker skin tones and deep-seated pigments

Alexandrite Q switch laser can be used for lighter tones and superficial pigmentation

Ruby laser Q switch was among the first developed but is now used less commonly that Nd:YAG and Alexandrite Q switch laser. Though Ruby lasers are very good at dealing with dark skin pigmentation.

Fractional Erbium and Co2 laser for pigmentation 

Fractional lasers are another very effective group of lasers used for pigmentation and these can either be erbium YAG or Co2 laser. They deliver a microscopic beam of light to the skin. The beams create tiny holes in the skin that stimulate collagen production and thus skin renewal. The fractional laser can also be used in an ablative way to actually remove layers of skin and such layers of pigment. 

A fractional laser works in 3 ways to help deal with pigmentation

  1. Skin resurfacing- The micro holes created by the laser stimulate growth of new skin cells to even out pigmentation
  2. Collagen stimulation – The increased collagen production helps improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of pigments.
  3. Pigment breakdown – the heat generated by the laser can break down the pigments to be removed by the body. 

Alexandrite laser for pigmentation 

Alexandrite laser are in common use for the treatment of pigmentation issues and are very effective for brown pigments such as:

  • Sunspots
  • Age spots
  • Freckles
  • Sun damage

This is because they emit a wavelength 755nm that is absorbed by melanin, the pigment that gives skin its colour.

Alexandrite laser are:

  • Precise
  • Effective
  • Versatile
  • Easy to use with minimal downtime

Picosecond laser for pigmentation 

Picosecond lasers are a newer form of technology for the treatment of pigmentation especially in the UK. The picosecond laser delivers ultra-short pulses of energy measured in trillionths of a second. This effectively breaks down the pigmented cells.

The benefits of picosecond lasers are:

  • Rapid treatment
  • Precision
  • Versatile
  • Little downtime

Most common pigmentation treatments are as follows

Laser treatment for sun spots - which are dark, flat patches on the skin caused by excessive sun exposure over time -

Laser treatment for Melasma - is a common skin condition characterised by dark patches on the face, often caused by hormonal changes, sun exposure, or certain medications

Laser treatment for freckles - These small, flat, brown spots are caused by excessive sun exposure.

Laser treatment for age spots - These flat, brown spots are caused by sun damage and typically appear as you get older.

Laser destroys the pigmented cells that cause all these conditions.

The laser is targeted to the pigment and the energy from the laser causes the pigmented cells to break down and then be exfoliated naturally. This process also stimulates collagen product to leave the skin more toned 

Types of Lasers mainly used for these treatments are:

  • Q-switched Nd:YAG laser
  • Q-switched Alexandrite laser
  • Alexandrite laser
  • Picosecond laser:

The benefits of these laser treatments are:

  • Can significantly reduce the appearance of the pigmentation so are effective
  • The lasers are precise so cause no damage to surrounding tissue
  • The recovery time is very quick with skin being potentially swollen and red for a few days and completely healed in a matter of weeks. 

It is important to look after the skin after these treatments with

  • Sun protection
  • Hydration
  • Avoiding irritants 

Let's look at some direct comparisons against laser treatment with some of the other treatments for pigmentation

laser pigmentation removal vs. chemical peels

Both laser and chemical peels are effective for the treatment of pigmentation. They have different mechanisms of action and suitability for different skin types and different pigmentation. 

  • Laser uses light energy to destroy the pigment
  • Chemical peel uses a solution to exfoliate the top layer of skin

Benefits of laser are:

  • Precision
  • Minimal downtime
  • Versatile

Benefits of chemical peels are:

  • Can address multiple skin conditions
  • Cheaper
  • Can be done at home

Drawbacks for laser treatment: 

  • Expensive
  • Multiple sessions

Drawbacks for chemical peels:

  • More downtime
  • More irritation
  • Not suitable for darker skin types

Laser pigmentation removal vs. Microneedling

Both laser and Microneedling are effective for the treatment of pigmentation. They have different mechanisms of action and suitability for different skin types and different pigmentation. 

  • Laser uses light energy to destroy the pigment
  • Microneedling Uses tiny needles to create micro-injuries in the skin, stimulating collagen and elastin production.

Benefits of laser are:

  • Precision
  • Minimal downtime
  • Versatile

Benefits of Microneedling:

  • Can address multiple skin conditions
  • Can also improve skin texture and skin skin renewal
  • Suitable for sensitive skin

Drawbacks for laser treatment: 

  • Expensive
  • Multiple sessions

Drawbacks for Microneedling:

  • Temporary redness and discomfort
  • Multiple sessions

Laser pigmentation removal vs. topical creams

Both laser and Topical creams are effective for the treatment of pigmentation. They have different mechanisms of action and suitability for different skin types and different pigmentation. 

  • Laser uses light energy to destroy the pigment
  • Topical creams use ingredients like hydroquinone, kojic acid, or azelaic acid to inhibit melanin production.

Benefits of laser are:

  • Precision
  • Minimal downtime
  • Versatile

Benefits of Topical creams:

  • Less expensive
  • Can be done in house
  • Suitable for mild and moderate pigmentation

Drawbacks for laser treatment: 

  • Expensive
  • Multiple sessions

Drawbacks for Topical creams:

  • Longer to see results
  • May cause irritation and dryness
  • Not as effective as laser

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