The alma Q utilises double pulse technology top achieve a maximum fluence upto 2,000mj and a short pulse width down to 7ns. The ALma laser Q also has the ability to use fractional pulse delivery for a variety of treatment indications.
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A high powered Q switch laser is considered the gold standard for removal of pigmentation; both natural, such as pigmented lesions, and artificial such as tattoos. It is safe and effective, minimising risk to surrounding tissues. By using fractional delivery on the Q switch this further extends the treatment capabilities and additional treatments including many challenging skin conditions and imperfections associated with the ageing process.
The Alma-Q laser system can delivery energy in either single or double pulse modes. Double pulse technology delivers the laser energy in 2 pulses, one after the other. The beam profile is also flat-top which means energy is delivered evenly without hot spots and minimising epidermal injury. The dingle and double pulses are available in both the Q-Switch Nd:YAG and Q-Switch 532nm wavelengths
The Alma Q offers the ability to delivery 4 wavelengths through its system utilities dye handpiece technology.
This part of the laser system allows the user to generate sub-millisecond pulse width at high repetition rates which is utilised in the treatment of skin rejuvenation and microvascular treatments. This method of laser delivery is effective at sub-dermal heating which allows the stimulation of new collagen and skin tightening.
The Alma Q laser also maximisers the potential of the 1064nm wavelength for the treatment of vascular lesions and deeper veins.
The long pulse deliver allows for deeper penetration and powerful bulk heating which can be used for deeper lesion.
This pixel handpiece offers the delivery of fractional q switch for skin rejuvenation treatments utilises its depth control capabilities. This allows user to target both superficial and deep treatment profiles depending on the area of the skin and the condition.Using pixel-sized perforations in a 7 x 7 pattern. 5 distinct treatment depths are available for maximum precision and flexibility.
This uses a square laser beam profile with top-hat technology covering 3x3mm2 or 5x5mm2 for coverage without overlap and the treatment pigmented lesions and tattoo's
This offers 7 different spot sizes from 1mm - 7mm for the treatment of pigmented lesions and tattoo's at varying depths.
This delivers parallel beams of energy to the target regardless of distance from the skin for better visualisation of the treatment target. This has an 8mm spot size.
These two dye hand-pieces offer the additional treatment wavelengths for multi-colour tattoos with 585nm targeting sky blues and 650nm for greens.