Buying and selling through our directory

The Laser and Aesthetic industry is notoriously difficult to navigate and you may want to either buy or sell your equipment. Let us help with using our sales directory for used equipment or look through our new equipment. 

Sell Equipment Buying and selling through our directory

We have a catalogue of equipment that is for sale either direct from us at Laser and Aesthetics or from 3rd parties sellers using our directory. 

The systems been advertised are by genuine clinics or individuals wanting to sell their equipment or by us directly. The laser and aesthetics site is an advertising platform for you to find the right device. 

The seller sets the price and provides the details of the equipment for sale all you have to do is contact the seller and discuss direct with them.

The process to purchase 

View the stock listed on the used-equipment directory, or narrow it down to equipment by a selected manufacturer 

Identify an item that might be of interest and contact the seller directly for additional information and to discuss the equipment in detail. If it is our number on the advert then we are either selling directly or on behalf of our client.

Once satisfied, payment is made direct to the Seller, or to ourselves if we are selling. There is no commission for any buyer to pay.  

What can be easier? Used equipment from genuine sellers

View the used Equipment Directory


The process to Sell

Complete all the details on list your equipment. Remember to include things like:

  • make and model
  • year of manufacturer
  • condition
  • usage
  • service history
  • Sale price
  • Good quality photographs
  • Location
  • Contact name and address
  • Additional items

Remember To let people know if you are AT registered as this will affect the total price. 

Once the form has been submitted, we will  contact you to arrange payment via invoice and BACS transfer. Once the payment has been received, we will then put your listing live for a three month period.


Why will it sell?

That’s simple; laser and aesthetics is designed in such a way as to optimise Google search rankings and to ensure high traffic is exposed to the site especially the right people. We also have our older sites the LAser market and the Aesthetic market that the advert will also go live on.

In addition, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter activities will help drive relevant traffic to the site and your listing.

Interested parties, who have seen your device promoted will then be able to contact you by telephone or email to discuss further.

We also take many calls over equipment and will direct potential customers to your advert.

It is a simple as that!

If you have more than one piece of equipment to sell we can also help and can offer  a 50% discount on additional items, as long as the adverts are placed at the same time with one payment: 

Current offers

  • 1st listing -  £150 + VAT for 3 months
  • 2nd listing - £75 + VAT for 3 months
  • 3rd listing - £38 + VAT for 3 months


Payment made is for advertising your device on our directory. We cannot  guarantee a sale or take any responsibility for any loss incurred as a direct or indirect result of the advertisement but rest assured we will do our best!

Advertise your equipment in our used equipment directory